LDAO is busy supporting the “Right to Read” inquiry now underway by the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC). Currently the inquiry is hearing from Parents across the Province as well as a detailed examination within eight Ontario public school boards. It is anticipated that results will be available late in 2020.
LDAO welcomes a review that should find ways to improve the systemic barriers that often occur for parents and students at a critical time in their educational journey. Ontario’s educational system is a very complex machine. Like anything that complex a detailed examination can find best practices and failing systems and recommend changes to benefit students with LDs and others where reading is proving a challenge.
Our quote on the community partner’s link is on the OHRC page is below.
“The Learning Disabilities Associations (LDAs) across Canada started from the Toronto office in 1963 and today is overseen coast-to-coast by the LDA of Canada. The LDAC led the efforts involving the Jeffrey Moore case where the Supreme Court of Canada examined the rights to education and considered the “ramp” required for those with Learning Disabilities to have the access they deserve.
The Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO) is committed to students with Learning Disabilities being given the best possible opportunities to succeed in Ontario schools and therefore looks forward to the findings and recommendations of the OHRC inquiry.”
Details are available here:
The Supreme Court decision on the Jeffrey Moore cases is available here: Moore v. British Columbia (Education).
45th Conference of the Institute of Learning Disabilities
Regrettably, the crisis with COVID 19 forced us to cancel our annual conference. We evaluated the possibility of offering the Conference online, but despite all our efforts, the new requirements of the Quebec government to close all educational institutions, encouraged us to postpone our event, for everyone’s safety.
Consequently, we will be delighted to welcome you on March 24, 25 and 26, 2021 at the Le Westin hotel in Montreal for the 45th Congress of the Learning Disabilities Institute.
However, as part of our continued programming at the Institute, 2020 Training via Webinar and in person continues throughout the year:
English workshops:
Thank you!
The team at the Institute of LD
It has been a challenging time in Alberta over the last year with the budget cuts to education and policy changes. We continue to see increased classroom sizes and ever-increasing cuts to early intervention programs and assessments for struggling students. LDAA is working hard to ensure we continue to support the LD community through these difficult times.
On a positive note we will be re-launching our Right To Read (RTR) Online course in spring 2020. The RTR Program (Catching Children before They Fail) focuses on early identification and intervention for at-risk learners. The RTR Program includes a Reading Readiness Screening Tool and intervention strategies teachers can use to support their students. LDAA is currently exploring opportunities to enhance the RTR Program by offering a companion workshop series for tutors, parents and aligned professionals. We are excited about the opportunities to grow the program across the province.
While it is a challenging time in the province for all non-profit organizations, especially those organizations that support individuals with a disability, LDAA is committed to ensuring we continue to support the learning disabilities community and advocating for their rights.
Stay tuned for more information on the Right To Read Online workshop.
Toby Rabinovitz
LDA Alberta Executive Director
LDAM has been active in recent months in building awareness of learning disabilities in our province. We have taken several opportunities to reach out to the community through various media appearances. We recently participated in the Winnipeg Foundation’s Fast Pitch experience. The Winnipeg Foundation’s Fast Pitch is a coaching program to help build the capacity of, and create visibility for, Winnipeg’s charitable sector. Fast Pitch is part of an international movement that helps organizations create powerful, high-energy cases for support, delivered in three minutes or less!
This October we will be hosting a Learning Summit for our community. The Learning Summit will provide parents, educators and professionals an opportunity to connect, share experiences and discuss challenges and strategies.
LDAM continues to look at new ways to support our community and most recently we have introduced a Lego Club, Robotics Club and parenting workshops to our programming for the community.
Karen Velthuys
Executive Director, Learning Disabilities Association of Manitoba
New Brunswick
We hope that everyone has made it through the winter safely and that the thought of spring around the corner is a boost that some may need. LDANB is pleased to announce the appointment of four new board members – Kelly Bird, Ginger Thibodeau, Louise Johnson, and Amy Wood. The knowledge of learning disabilities, background and skills that each bring to the board is vast and diverse. We are happy that they have joined LDANB and look forward to their involvement over the next year.
LDANB will be hosting members of the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce on April 21 for a “Business over Breakfast” event. This is a great opportunity to host other non-profits and local businesses in our office and to share with the community who we are and what we do.
In celebration of LDANB’s 50th year, we will be having a Bowl-A-Thon fundraiser on June 7th, at The Drome in Fredericton. We are busy planning a fun-filled day of bowling, face painting, prizes and, most importantly, raising awareness and funds to support New Brunswickers living with learning disabilities. Follow our Facebook page for additional details!
Finally, we will be holding our biannual symposium on learning disabilities October 22 and 23. As the program shapes up, we intend to have one full day of sessions for educators, psychologists, professionals and parents on October 22, and a half-day information session for parents/guardians on October 23. Tentative topics covered will be structured literacy, skills for supporting executive functioning, numeracy and assistive technology. If you have any questions about the symposium, please contact Ainsley at ed@ldanb-taanb.ca
Ainsley Congdon
Executive Director – Directrice Générale, LDANB-TAANB
Prince Edward Island
LDA Prince Edward Island has been busy across the winter working on its latest Strategic Plan. Doing what we do is needed. What do we need to do that we are not? Areas that have been explored and considered for expansion are improved promotion of LD Month, more assistive technology information sessions, exploring online delivery of tutoring services using existing remediation programs. We have secured funding for a prototype program to run for 20 weeks supporting adults who have dyslexic tendencies indicated using the LD Screening For Success tool. After evaluation we will consider how to build this into programming, if the prototype demonstrates its need and success. Our focus during our re-building years has been support for children and we know we are under serving the adult population. This is a step to address this issue. As with all LDAs across Canada, steps to improve service rely on funding to provide additional support. We meet with Provincial Ministers to maintain a positive view of our services and to offer opportunities for future partnerships. These collaborations allow us to exist and to reach more that need service.
Martin Dutton
Executive Director, Learning Disabilities Association PEI