Charitable Registration # 1190 10312 RR0001

Legal Hub

Learning Disabilities Association of Canada Legal Information Hub: Federal and Provincial Resources for Access to Legal Employment, and Education Issues


The Learning Disabilities Association of Canada Legal Information Hub: Federal and Provincial Resources for Access to Legal Employment, and Education Issues, is a legal information resource for Canadians in the learning disability community. It lists government programs, financial aid and pro bono organizations, legal advice clinics, and other public resources accessible to ld families with issues including access to education, and discrimination in the workplace.

Canadian Resources

Federal Disability Reference Guide- provides a legal framework for education and employment disabilities issues.

Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW)- provides support to persons with disabilities find a job or career, assists employers hire persons with disabilities, and help employers support employees with disabilities.

Canadian Human Rights Commission- find information on filing a complaint

Provincial and Territorial Human Rights Agencies

Resources in Your Province

1.1 Community Resources

2.1 Community Resources

3.1 Community Resources

CLASSIC runs two programs:

  1. The Walk-In Advocacy Clinic provides clients with legal information and/or basic legal services. Clients are assisted by law student advocates, under the supervision of practicing lawyers.
  2. A Legal Advice Clinic, that allows clients who have legal issues in the areas of criminal, family, civil, or employment law to speak to a practicing lawyer for a half-hour appointment. These appointments are to assist people who do not have legal counsel, and are self-represented.

4.1 Community Resources

Province of Manitoba Government Website:

5.1 Community Resources

  • ARCH Disability Law Centre- a specialty legal clinic that practices exclusively in disability rights law.
  • Pro Bono Law Ontario-
  • Legal Aid Ontario-
  • Law Society Referral Service- for lawyers or paralegals.
  • Human Rights Legal Support Centre (HRLSC)- an independent agency, funded by the Government of Ontario, to provide legal services to individuals who have experienced discrimination. The HRLSC provides legal assistance to individuals when they take an application to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario to resolve a human rights dispute.
  • Education Law Project- Ontario’s free legal service for low and moderate-income families whose children face challenges to their rights at school. Through this program, volunteer lawyers help eligible students and their parents understand their legal rights and negotiate solutions when they feel unable to resolve conflicts with school administrators and officials.
  • Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO)- a non-profit organization funded by Legal Aid Ontario, the Department of Justice, and the Law Foundation of Ontario that develops and distributes legal information. CLEO provides resources and publications on a wide range of topics, many of which are available in other languages.
  • Your Legal Rights- a collection of legal information resources produced by hundreds of organizations across Ontario. These include resources and webinars for community workers produced by CLEO and other organizations.
  • Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO)- resolves claims of discrimination and harassment brought under the Human Rights Code in a fair, just and timely way. The HRTO first offers parties the opportunity to settle the dispute through mediation. If the parties do not agree to mediation, or mediation does not resolve the application, the HRTO holds a hearing.
  • Child Disability Benefit (CDB)-

6.1 School Program


A non profit student run free legal information service. Mandate is to provide legal information, referral and document certification services to the McGill and Montreal communities, with a continuing commitment to meeting the needs of marginalized groups.

6.2 Community Resources

7.1 Community Resources

8.1 Community Resources

9.1 Community Resources