…is not a typical salutation, considering that February has been voted the worst, most gloomy month of the year, in a multitude of popular (and not so popular) opinion polls over the past decade. It is our last full month of winter and although it sometimes feels like the longest month, February is our shortest month and holds the promise of spring. It still, however, begs the question as to how much these cold winter months with short days impact our mental health, and what are the mood-related repercussions from a lack of sunshine.
Regardless of the month, mental health concerns add an additional layer of complexity to life for individuals living with learning disabilities. The challenges facing children, youth and adults diagnosed with learning disabilities can be vast, and now, more than ever, we need strong advocacy to support those individuals living with neurodevelopmental; disorders such as learning disabilities.
The Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (LDAC) strives to advocate and support the community, with staff and volunteers engaged in a range of activities, such as sharing research and best practices; all in an attempt to positively impact those living with learning disabilities across the country. If you are interested in supporting LDAC, or your provincial or territorial organization, either by volunteering or donating, reach out and see what a difference you can make